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Are You Ready to Climb Your Career Mountain?


When I hiked for the first time in 2015, I was completely unprepared for the adventure.

I woke up late, packed only water without any snacks, and didn’t mentally prepare for the challenge of climbing a mountain. We ascended just over 1,500 feet (about 1.5 miles) up Bluff Mountain in North Carolina, and after the first 100 feet, I felt like quitting.

I was gasping for air, my legs felt like jellyfish, and all I could think about was the cozy car waiting for me at the bottom of the mountain. Thanks to our guide, encouraging friends, and experienced hikers, I got to witness nature’s jaw-dropping views at the top! On the way down, it hit me: transitioning in our careers is a lot like climbing a mountain. It doesn’t have to be a struggle; sometimes, all you need is the right support and a good dose of determination!

As you embark on your career journey, it's important to remember that there will be challenges and obstacles along the way. Just like climbing a mountain, there may be moments where you feel like giving up or doubt your abilities. But with the right mindset and support system, you can conquer anything.


Here are five insightful questions to consider before embarking on a transition:


How are you preparing for this transition?

I was entirely unprepared for the hike. I forgot to bring the right supplies, was unaware of the distance we would cover, and didn’t even understand the terrain we’d be facing. With a bit of preparation, I could have better equipped my mind for my first hiking experience.

As you embark on your career transition, are you bringing the right mindset, tools, and skills with you? Often, we aspire to change careers, yet we fail to fully prepare for the shift. If we carry over the same bad habits into a new role, we are likely to encounter the same challenges.


Are you willing to go all the way?


Are you ready to fully commit? We often express a desire to be our own boss and to have more time for ourselves, but are we truly willing to put in the effort to achieve those goals? At first, I believed I was prepared to reach the top of the mountain. However, I overlooked opportunities to put my best foot forward. Similarly, in our careers, we cannot expect success without putting in the necessary work and dedication.


Are you willing to stay focused on the goal?


As I ascended the mountain, my mind was fixated on quitting and the fear of slowing down the group, preventing me from appreciating the beauty surrounding me. We often let our mindset and negative thoughts distract us from our goals. When we dwell on the negative, we lose sight of the tasks before us. As you transition in your career, stay focused on the end goal, and do not let fear or doubt hold you back.


Are you able to identify distractions?


Are you focusing on the wrong things? Are you getting caught up in negative gossip? Can you pinpoint the distractions that arise as you pursue your goals? As I ascended the mountain, my mind was consumed by thoughts of turning back. Each step, accompanied by the pain shooting through my legs, became a distraction. In our careers, we must learn to identify and overcome distractions that can hinder our progress toward success.


Are you willing to accept help when needed?


During my first hike, I found myself among seasoned hikers and a supportive guide who helped me reach the summit. Similarly, in your career transition journey, establishing a robust support system is crucial. This network can include mentors, peers, friends, or professionals who have navigated similar changes. Having trusted individuals to turn to for advice and encouragement can significantly impact your ability to overcome challenges. I wouldn’t have made it to the top without the guidance of my supportive friends and the guide. It's vital to have someone positive by your side, especially when distractions arise and negativity threatens to overshadow your progress.


If you lack someone in your life to provide support, consider hiring a coach. Coaching can effectively address numerous challenges and facilitate lifestyle changes. It enhances productivity, boosts self-confidence, and improves work-life harmony. Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness. Don't let your obstacles overpower you!