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Discovering Your Why: The Foundation of Transformation

Can you believe it? October is here, and the year is slowly coming to an end.

Recently, I've had conversations with many of my friends who are mid-career professionals embarking on new journeys personally and professionally. As each of them faces their diverse challenges, they yearn for change—a transformation that aligns their work with the values and dreams they hold dear.

But let's face it, discovering your 'why' isn't just about plucking a grand idea from the air; it’s about digging deep and asking the tough questions. It's like peeling back the layers of an onion, with a few tears along the way!


The Journey to Your Why


The decision to shift gears in your career is rarely a spontaneous one.

Often, it's prompted by experiences that shake us to our core: perhaps the suffocating confines of a toxic work environment where coffee isn't the only thing brewing or the stagnation in a role with about as much growth potential as a plastic plant. Maybe it's that inflexible in-person 9-to-5 grind that turns traffic into a second job, leaving barely any time for life’s other delightful experiences!

These experiences are more than just annoyances; they're the catalysts that push us toward transformation. They urge us to pause, reflect, and question the very beliefs and expectations that have guided our professional journey thus far. "How did I get here?" you might ask while sipping your third cup of Morning Joe.


Reflecting on the Past


So, how do you find your 'why'? It all starts by asking yourself a series of questions that go beyond surface-level thinking.

In addition, understanding your 'why' requires a journey into your past—it's a bit like being your very own career archaeologist. Uncover the artifacts of your professional life: those pivotal moments that shaped your path, the mentors who offered wisdom, and yes, even the missteps that taught you resilience. Reflect on these with honesty and perhaps a touch of humor. After all, who doesn't have a story of that one boss who mistook 'feedback' for 'public critique'?

Consider the expectations you've carried—both self-imposed and societal. Were they realistic? Did they serve you well, or were they merely shadows of what others deemed successful? This introspection is crucial as it lays the groundwork for a future that's truly aligned with who you are and what you value.


The Tricky Part: Building the Foundation


Building the foundation of your transformation can feel like assembling IKEA furniture without the manual—tricky, but not impossible.

It demands patience, creativity, and perhaps a phone call to a friend when you’re knee-deep in self-reflection. Remember, it’s perfectly okay to seek additional support. Whether it’s a career coach, a mentor, or a supportive community, having allies on this journey can make all the difference. They’re like GPS for your career—recalculating when you find yourself on a detour.


Embrace the Challenge


As you embark on this path to discover your 'why,' embrace it with both excitement and grace.

It's not easy to break away from the familiar, but it's through this discomfort that growth happens. This is your chance to transform your career into something that doesn't just pay the bills but also fuels your passion and purpose. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your metaphorical shovel, and start digging into those layers of your career onion. You might just find that the journey is as rewarding as the destination.

In this season of transformation, remember: it’s not just about finding your 'why,' but understanding the 'how' and 'when' of your unique journey. And when you finally piece it all together, you'll be ready to step into a career that truly resonates with the symphony of your aspirations.